The careers programme at Monoux College is designed to provide all students with the education, information, advice and guidance to help them make informed decisions about their future career decisions.

The programme aims to raise aspirations and support students to achieve their full potential whilst they are in college. Students benefit from a dedicated Careers & Employability team who have a breadth of experience, and are based within college.

There is a focus on making all students aware of the opportunities that Apprenticeships, Employment and Higher Education has to offer. Strong links and partnerships with employers and universities provide the chance for students to experience a range of insight days, mentoring, university visits and work experience opportunities.

View the careers programme.

Contact the team

Tracy Hicklin, head of careers & employability

Zainab Khan

Director of Marketing & External Relations, zainab.khan@sgmc.ac.uk (020 8523 3544 Ext: 3413/2432)

Shazmeen Khalid, Senior Work Experience Coordinator

Shazmeen Khalid

Senior Work Experience Coordinator, shazmeen.khalid@sgmc.ac.uk (020 8523 3544 Ext: 3426)

Faria Tabassum, Senior Work Experience Coordinator

Faria Tabassum

Senior Work Experience Coordinator, faria.tabassum@sgmc.ac.uk (020 8523 3544 Ext: 3495)

Ogechi Talbot, careers & employability officer

Ogechi Talbot

Careers and Work Experience Officer, ogechi.talbot@sgmc.ac.uk (020 8523 3544 Ext: 2342)

Shelly Hinds, work experience development coordinator

Neseem Raj

Careers and Employability Administrator, naseem.raj@sgmc.ac.uk (020 8523 3544 Ext: 3429)